Pokemon Sun and Moon Download | Pokemon Sun and Moon Game

Pokemon sun and moon

Pokemon Sun and Moon Game: After all the success of Pokémon Go, the global market could not help but embrace the new Pokemon Sun and Moon game. Alola! – Alola! You can’t help but link directly with Hawaii! This new Pokemon region breathes Hawaii and that immediately gives a very relaxed impression. Game freak did not sit still during the development in Pokemon Sun and Moon because man these graphics are beautiful! You can see volcanoes, lakes, jungle, cities, lawns … This new Alola region consists of four islands plus an artificial island. Each of the four islands has a Pokemon called a guardian god. This Pokemon together are called the Tapu and are worshiped by the population. Visit online for Pokemon sun ROM download. 

Also Read: Highly Compressed Games

Pokemon sun and moon Download

The game play – Your character has just come to live on the island, together with your mother and Meowth J (Funny to experience this Pokemon differently than the sidekick from Team Rocket and more as a pet the cat as we know it). Your professor of this adventure still has a lab coat but doesn’t look so much like Oak anymore. The false bare upper body of this Prof feels a bit out of place (read a certain statement that a Chinese gentleman repeated from a certain film), but we embrace this craziness and we continue. Professor Kukui is the Pokemon professor in the Alola region and your support and support for advice and action in this adventure. For Pokemon moon from download, you can search online sources.

Trials – After each Trial, you have to fight a boss Pokemon who they call the Totem bosses. These are somewhat stronger Pokemon is often special colors that themselves can also use Pokemon to fight with. The battles are more exciting than you are used to and require a little more than an hour by hopping through the long grass. That immediately makes this game more mature. If you have defeated a trial and a Totem pole you will receive the Z-Crystal as a reward. This allows you to unlock a special attack during a fight that you can almost compare to a mega evolution. It is a temporary attack and you need a Z-Crystal and a device to use it.

Battle Royal – A new Battle Formation: Battle Royal. Pokemon Sun and Moon are equipped with a new battle style the Battle Royal! In the past, the fights were often 1 to 1 or a maximum of 2 to 2 i, but in this Battle Royals no less than four to four! I’m waiting for a Surf attack, no idea if this HM will return as a normal TM.

Conclusion :

Pokemon Sun and Moon game is definitely the most beautiful Pokemon game ever. Playing always brought a big smile to my face and there are so many points that make the game really great for both new and old (er) players. The graphics, the Ride Pokemon, the atmosphere on the island and the feast of recognition in a part existing and also new, cool Pokemon. The downside of the developments for me is the nostalgia and lack of the Gyms and his / her Gym leaders.




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